resume about work

Hey, I'm Steph 👋

Welcome to my corner of the internet

📍 Location: Toronto

🖌 Craft: Product designer

❤️ Guilty pleasure: Cookies

Design process

In habit of discovering the why

I approach problems with the goal to understand and balance a business and user’s needs, and turn that mishmash of ideas, goals, and inspiration into an elegant and tangible product. With a certificate in design and degree in Health Sciences, I utilize my evidence-based mindset to create functional and memorable product experiences.

Out of the office

Design is all around us, so are we ever really out of office?

Experiencing new things are what fuels me. Since pivoting into design, I discovered that’s how I also find and feel inspiration. From the mundane every day to the exciting corners of the world, here are a few of my favourite activities away from the computer:

  1. Travelling (15 countries and counting)
  2. Music festivals
  3. Reading (follow me on goodreads!)
  4. Nature walks

As hard as I’ve tried to cliff-notes my life, I don’t think humans could ever be summed up in 2 paragraphs and 6 bullet points. If you’ve gotten here and want to dig deeper, I’d love to chat!

Stephanie in Japan